United States of America - a federal republic comprising 50 states with some autonomy, and the Federal District of Columbia. 48 states are compact, 2 - separately: Alaska (the status of the state received in 1958) and Hawaii (the status of the state received in 1959). In addition, the United States belong to the island of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, Eastern Samoa, Guam and the islands of Micronesia (United Nations trust territory) in the Pacific Ocean and the Pacific atolls of Wake and Midway, equipped to test missiles. It has borders with Canada, in the south - Mexico. On the east by the Atlantic Ocean in the south - the Gulf of Mexico, the West - the Pacific Ocean. Covers an area of 9666861 square kilometers, of which 1593438 sq.km. accounted for Alaska and 16,729 sq km to Hawaii. The highest point in the country (and throughout North America) is located in Alaska - Mount McKinley ( 6194 m), the lowest place - the Valley of Death (86 m below sea level) - is in California. The average height of the United States about 760 m above sea level. Physiographic area of the country is very diverse. About half of the territory occupied by mountain ranges, plains and plateaus of the Cordillera, the eastern edge of the belt of the Cordillera mountain ranges form the Rocky Mountains with a height of more than 4000 m. To the east are Appalachian Mountains (2037 m). Between the Cordilleras and the Appalachians are vast inland plains - Central, Great - and Primeksikanskaya lowland. In the west, many rivers form the magnificent beauty of the canyons, breaking ridges. In the north is a chain of Great Lakes - Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario - an area of about 200000 square kilometers In the glacial period in the country there were several tens of thousands of small lakes, among which stands out Vinnipeski, Cayuga and Shapleyn in the north-east and Vinnibago, Red Mill-Lax in the Midwest. Utah is located in the Great Salt Lake, is also formed by glaciers. Rivers east of the United States, chief among which are the Hudson, Delaware, Saskehanna, Potomac and Savannah is very full-flowing and navigable almost throughout. Rivers center of the country, such as Ohio, Tennessee, Illinois and Mississippi in the spring often are filled, and the hot summer water levels in them falls markedly. Further to the west are such rivers as the Missouri, Arkansas, Rio Grande, Colorado, Sacramento, Snake, Columbia. The main river is the Yukon in Alaska. United States population (estimated for 1995) is about 263,437,000 people, the average population density of about 30 persons per sq. km
Ethnic Groups: America is a multiethnic country with many nationalities, many of whom have preserved their language and traditions and if we divide the population into three large groups of racial lines, whites make up about 84% of the population (among them the most outstanding are the diaspora of the Irish, Italians, Jews, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian), Africans (mostly descendants of slaves brought from the African continent in the XVIII century) - about 12%, Asians and Pacific Islanders - about 3%, American Indians (indigenous people of the United States) - less than 1% came from Latin America, the so-called "Latino" - about 9%. Religion: Christian believers make up the majority of the U.S. population, including most Catholics - 25% of the population, followed by Baptists - 19,4%, Methodist - 8%, Presbyterian - 2,8%, Pentecostal - 1.8%, Episcopal Church -- 1,7%, a large number of residents belong to the Orthodox Church, among the largest non-Christian groups distinguished Jews - 2%, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus. The country is located in the zone of five time zones, so the time lags from Moscow by 7-12 hours. In the eastern part of the (Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Boston) - behind in Moscow for 8 hours. On the last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October - at 9 o'clock. Alaska - 11 (12) hours. In Hawaii, the time difference with Moscow - minus 14 hours in the summer, minus 13 hours - in the winter.
holidays and days off:
January 1 (New Year's Eve - New Year's Day),
3rd Monday in January (Memorial Day, Martin Luther King - Martin Luter King Day),
3rd Monday in February (Washington's Birthday - Washington's Birthday),
last Monday in May (Memorial Day - Memorial Day),
July 4 (Independence Day - Independence Day),
July 21 (Day of the President - President Day),
1 st Monday in September (Labor Day - Labor Day),
2 nd Monday in October (Columbus Day - Columbus Day),
4 th Thursday of November (Thanksgiving Day - Thanksgiving Day),
Nov. 11 (Veterans Day)
December 25 (Christmas - Christmas Day).
These holidays are set at the federal level and celebrated throughout the country. In addition to public holidays are widely celebrated:
Valentine's Day (February 14)
Halloween (31 October)
Mother's Day (second Sunday in May)
some Jewish holidays (Yom Kippur, Hanukkah).

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