Finland - a country located in the far north of Europe on the border with Norway, Sweden and Russia. Its arctic landscapes and pristine beauty of wildlife make an unforgettable impression on all visitors. Most of the territory is covered with taiga forest, on the tops of the plateau and in the northern regions - the tundra. The country has about 188 thousand lakes of glacial origin, most of them located in the central part, called Ozernym edge. In the west, the landscape complements the axis reservoirs Hemenlinna-Tampere-Virrat STRONG>, and in the east of lakes Saimaa - the largest in area in Europe (4, 4 square kilometers). Climate Finland as well as possible helps to winter sports. Finns joke that summer they have "a good and long, but very snowy." Winter in Lapland takes up to 200 days in the southern part of the country - up to 135 days. Ski season begins in October and ends in May, with the peak of his account in February. Most popular in Finland sport - skiing. Got the world thanks to such competitions as ski runs, from border to border "," Finland "," Pirkko ", World Championship races without Trail. In Finland, widespread and skiing, although mostly hills and knolls. The highest point - Mount Hult (1365 m). Here, perfect conditions for freestyle and snowboarding. Finnish winter with heavy snow and more than 100 ski centers with well-equipped ski slopes and plains unique network of ski runs - a guarantee of a successful winter holiday. In December and January days in Finland become shorter and the sun even at noon does not rise high in the sky. Gray day lasts 4-5 hours. But since everything around is covered with snow and the reflection effect is strong enough, the light is enough for walking. Northern Finland lies beyond the Arctic Circle. Winter days are coming kaamos - mysterious succession of twilight and total darkness, which lasts from late November until mid-January. In mid-April in the south of the country's day lasts 14-15 hours, and in Lapland in March April snow sports in the bright sun can do in 16 hours. Northern Lights appears in the sky in the arctic regions. His Finnish name - revontulet - borrowed from the ancient legends of the Saami. In Lapland at the clear sky is observed every three nights out of four. Creaking under the feet of snow, bewitching beauty of Finland, a mysterious exotic Arctic night with fireworks, given as a gift by nature itself - the northern lights - will be for you a real surprise! | 

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