Austria - a small country, however, the attractions are many. Perhaps this best describes the country, located in the heart of Europe. We advise you to visit this country to all those interested in historical monuments, works of art, music, folklore, sports. The unique beauty of the palaces and castles, monasteries and historical centers, the richness and diversity of cultural life in Austria make this country a real paradise for anyone who wants to touch the high culture and art.
Geography: Austria - a middle-sized country (area - 83.8 thousand km2; 2 times higher in Switzerland), is located in the heart of Europe. Its territory stretches in a narrowing wedge from east to west. Nearest neighbors - the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany. Austria - "land" the country, located far from the seas. The largest of its rivers - the Danube, Moore, Drava, Salzach and Inn. Approximately 70% of the country occupied Alps - its eastern part. Eastern Alps wider and lower than the Swiss and more accessible. There are more alpine meadows and forests. The highest point Austria - double-headed summit Gro?glockner (the "big bell ringer"), which reaches 3997 m. There are many mountain lakes. In the west Austria owns part of a large and deep Lake Constance and in the east - most of the large shallow lakes Neyzidlerzee. Large contrasts of relief from the lowlands to snow-capped mountains rise to the vertical zonation of climate, soils and vegetation. Natural attractions: the eastern Alps in Austria are mostly latitudinal location. Their axial zone - the most high and mighty, covered with glaciers and eternal snows group ranges, among which is the High Tauern (Hohe Thauern) c the highest point of the country - the top of Grossglockner. Here, there is one of the most famous Austrian national parks, attracting a large number of tourists. The largest glacier Austrian Alps - Pastertse (area - 32 km2, length - 10 km). To the north and south of the axial zone ridges are composed mainly of limestone and dolomite. The mountains here are huge boulders with almost sheer slopes, there are various manifestations of karst (caves with stalactites, stalagmites, ice influxes, underground lakes and streams). Especially known cave Aysrizenvelt (world ice giants ") in Tennengebirge, south of Salzburg. One of the peculiarities of the Austrian Alps - their deep and wide dissection transverse valleys, making the deep part of the relatively easily accessible. No less remarkable in the Eastern Alps and the broad longitudinal valleys. For tourism are also interested in intermontane basins, especially Klagenfurt (Carinthia) and Graz (Steiermark) with less pronounced boundaries. Very picturesque and mastered by tourists above the valley of the Danube in Vienna (cruise ships). We resorts Baden , ski trails and landscapes Semmering , Zell am See, Salzburg with the museum of Mozart and numerous church towers variety of architectural styles. This country offers and much more - look for her time! Austria is located in the heart of Europe, bordered by Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy and Switzerland. To get to the Austrian resorts may be from the international airports in Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Munich, Zurich or train / bus / from Vienna, Prague and Warsaw. Discover Austria and we are sure - the time spent in this Alpine country, undoubtedly, will enhance your health and bring a lot of unforgettable impressions!
Climate: Climate Austria quite diverse. At the low-lying north-eastern and eastern outskirts of the country it is moderately warm, and warm enough for ripening in the foothills of the vineyards. Droughts are rare. Up the valley of the Danube humidity rises, the vineyards are disappearing, but there is still quite warm and sunny. On show in the mountains increases the amount of precipitation (up to 2000 mm per year on the western slopes of the highest mountains). Vegetation is divided into zones: forest (deciduous forest, coniferous above) and alpine meadows. Above are the eternal snows. Fauna of the forest zone similar to the European average. Alpine meadows and snow of different animal forms originality (alpine marmot, mountain goats and sheep, mountain eagles, etc.) The variety of landscapes and the relatively high average temperature (average January temperature of -1-4 ° C, in July - 15-18 ° C) make the trip to Austria attractive in any season. In winter tourists are often attracted by the opportunity to engage in skiing and in summer - mountain tourism.
Capital: Vienna.
Population: the country's population of about 7,8 million people. Official language - German, in everyday life more than 9 adverbs. In the field of tourist services is English.
Time: - 1 hour Kiev time
Money: Euro.
Kitchen: the only kitchen in the world, which is named after the city - Viennese cuisine. During its thousand-year existence, Austria situated on the territories inhabited by different peoples, and this is certainly reflected in its cuisine. Thus, in the famous Viennese schnitzel (large thin piece of grilled veal or pork) traced the relationship with the Milanese cutlets. And dumplings - bread balls stuffed with minced meat, smoked ham or bacon, reminiscent of the proximity of Austria to the Czech Republic. The peculiarity of Austrian cuisine, perhaps, especially in the absence of spicy dishes, in an extremely moderate use of spices. Secondly, it is rich in flour, baking. Thirdly, there are many sweet dishes - desserts, cakes, puddings (and therefore it can not come at such a sweet taste, as the author of these lines). Often combined with the sweet flour (such as pancakes with fruit filling), but this does not necessarily. In many desserts do not add a grain of the test: it is such, for example, sweet souffle, consisting only of beaten egg whites. Culinary feature mountain Austria - a very broad use of dairy products. Visiting restaurants in Austria , do not forget to taste the famous goulash artichoke (Erdepfelgulyash ") and scar (Kutelgrestl"). The national dishes are also dishes from the heart and lungs of pets ( "Boyshel") and cakes with different fillings (Buhteln "). Elegant cafes - an essential feature of the life style of the Austrians and the seductive lure for tourists. The local cafe spectacularly managed to connect to a home comfort and refined elegance, democracy and respectability. Austrian coffee house is the heritage of the East and the recollection of the time of the Turkish neighborhood. In 1684 the crown on behalf of Kolhitsky, who took part in the defense of Vienna during the Turkish siege, opened a small cafe. After the Turkish wars of coffee has become fashionable to drink. Sam Johann Sebastian Bach wrote the "Coffee Cantata", where with a good sense of humor reflected this new hobby. Since then, it took many years, but now a cafe in Vienna - a place for meetings, visits, holidays. In every coffee shop know about 30 different ways of making coffee. In Austria, two types of coffee: "Grosser" or "Kleiner Brauner" - big or small cup of coffee with milk and Schwarzer - a cup of black coffee without milk. And you can order a "Melange" - coffee with lots of milk and a little whipped cream. In the coffee shop you always offer a huge selection of confectionery products, of which is necessarily poprobovatznamenity chocolate cake "Sacher". Prepared for the first time in the early twentieth century for Prince Metternich, he became a favorite treat Viennese.
Culture: Austria , the former at the beginning of this century the main part of one of the most powerful world empires - the Austro-Hungarian, has preserved in its territory a large number of monuments of a variety of ages, starting with Roman times. Over 2000 years ago through a snowy mountain pass Gro?glockner passed so-called "Roman road". Among the masterpieces of Gothic architecture - Vienna cathedral of St. Stephen. In the style of classical baroque built many palaces and temples in Vienna, Salzburg, Graz and other cities. The special flavor of the building create a post-modern style, which is particularly rich in the central part of Vienna . Among the most famous buildings of modern architecture - the building of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna . Diverse and very rich cultural life of the country. All major cities have their own theaters, but is particularly well known in the world, the Vienna Opera. Throughout the year in various cities in Austria (especially in Vienna and Salzburg) are music festivals. The most famous museums of the country - city (Vienna), many museums associated with the life and work of great men. With regard to the culture of life, Austria - the country the ideal of purity. In rural areas (especially in the mountains) catches the eye extraordinary tidiness of houses, they seemed to have just painted. In the summer of all rural houses are decorated with flowers outside in boxes and pots.
Holidays: New Year (January 1), Epiphany (January 6) Easter Monday, Labor Day (May 1), Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Corpus Christi, Assumption (15 August) National holiday of the Republic of Austria (October 26) All Saints Day (November 1), Conception of the Virgin Mary (December 8), Christmas (December 25) St. Stephen's Day (26 December)
Tourist info: on each resort operate pharmacies / night - the service pharmacy. Post office and shops are open from 08.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00 and on Saturdays only until 12.00. The major resorts of the shops open every day without interruption. | 

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