> hardly even a few great travelers to guess what kind of country, read the following: «... If you are an artist, then Follow us ... Here, in the country ..., you may discover nature, which will give you an idea of the deserts of Africa, and covered with ash, Pompeii, and the densely populated poultry sandy shallows of the Mediterranean ». It described his homeland Hans Christian Andersen.
All this - about Denmark. Occupying a modest territory, this country can compete on the part of the geography of many others. Jutland Peninsula is part of the European continent, in the rest of Denmark is the same amount to the green island, which so vividly wrote Hans Christian Andersen. Islands in abundance. Largest - Zealand (where the capital is located), Fyn island twin Lallann and Falster and Bornholm farthest.
So, Copenhagen. Birth of the city began in. When Bishop Absalon finished building the first castle on the island in the middle of the bay. In. became a royal residence. For the courageous defense of the Swedes in 1658-1660 gg. all the citizens of Copenhagen were granted equal rights with the nobility.
most interesting buildings in Copenhagen associated with King Christian IV. For example, if you do not know when it was built some kind of unusual or castle tower with a spire ingenious, we can confidently say: The first half of the seventeenth century. And almost never make a mistake, and somewhere on the weather vane and the wall must find a monogram in the letter "S" inscribed in it with the Quartet.
Danes themselves are often referred Copenhagen city of kings, which, fortunately, were quite nelenivye. Round Tower, the Palace of Rosenborg, the Church of the Redeemer in Kristianshavene with twisted into a spiral tower and golden ball at the top, the former country residence of the kings of Frederiksborg - all of them were built during the reign of Christian IV, known for his passion for building up the Builder. In the former stock exchange with greenish bronze roof and twisted spire is now located CCI. This monument of Christian IV is decorated spire, formed by interlocking the tails of dragons, and crowned with three crowns symbolizing the former state union of Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
Now with all the other crown jewel is in the treasury of the palace Rosenberg. Alarm can work close to the crown, even by a loud cough.
But, at the beach situated two-storey, located on a circle, the mansions of the Royal Amalienborg Palace, which are guarded by a sentry-guards in high bearskin hats. Four identical Palace, located opposite each other on the octagonal square. At its center - the equestrian statue of King Frederik V. Palaces are faced with a light yellow marble, which is the time of day and seasons changing its hue. Every day at 12 o'clock a company of Life Guards in old form, loudly banging his heels and rifle butts, rebuilds the time of the ancient ritual. This area of Copenhagen called «Frederick quarter». It is not only famous for its palaces, but Marble Cathedral. Its dome is in diameter. Marble statues of the cathedral is surrounded by figures of the Danish Church.
near Marble Palace, on Bredgade, rises zlatoglavaja Russian Orthodox Church of Alexander Nevsky. It was built for the staff of the Embassy of Russia and almost annual visits to Denmark, the royal family. The temple was built largely with funds that are granted Russian empress Maria Feodorovna - nee Danish Princess Dagmar. Betrothed to the heir died prematurely Russian throne, Nicholas, she married his brother, afterwards Alexander III. The first espoused Maria Feodorovna adopted Orthodoxy and therefore has made a considerable contribution to the construction of the church in commemoration of the coronation of her husband in. The Queen has survived not only her husband but her son, Nicholas II. She managed to escape during «cursed day», and in 1919 she returned to Denmark. Maria Feodorovna settled with his sister, the Queen Alexandra, in a house on the beach in the northern suburb of Copenhagen. The white mansion looks to the Baltic Sea and the monument Knud Rasmussen, the largest Danish explorer of Greenland and the Arctic.
boundaries between the center of Copenhagen and the park can be determined. You go to the sea, and on a relatively small hill there is a mill in the green park - not old and darkened with age, besides a relic. After the defeat of Denmark in the war with Austria and Prussia, the mill became a unique symbol of resistance to the Danes.
from the Town Hall Square, where a monument to Hans Christian Andersen, is the main shopping street in Copenhagen. But before you make a swift shopping, even the most fashionable women-presamye necessarily stop at the square, eyeing a rare dragon fountain, and beside him - a stone marking the Danish meridian. But then curiosity will lift up their heads high, considering the kind of thermometer, made in a tall building: a large box under the roof in good weather there is a girl on a bicycle, and in bad - the girl with the umbrella.
greatest attention is attracted by a column, topped by figures of two soldiers of the Vikings. They are trumpeting the "Lur" - long gracefully curved tubes, which are considered the world's oldest wind instruments - a fanfare. And here in the creative intention of the sculptor laid legend about Vikings, standing guard, and giant-Danish hero Holger.
One of the famous and exotic areas of Copenhagen - Nyuhavn (New Harbor). For centuries it served as a haven for sailors returning from long journeys. In countless taverns walked and had fun sailors, the wine flowed a river, as traders and moneylenders had brought in a hurry to buy gold and silver. Now Nyuhavn - a favorite place of artists, writers and tourists. The walls of the channel are simultaneously berth. Here moored sailing and motor boat anglers with old names «Last rustle», «The Flying Dutchman». There also is a channel lined with facades of old houses. In one of them lived Andersen. Here he wrote a story about the emperor's new clothes, which made fun of the people on the ugly duckling, turned into a beautiful swan.
Nyuhavn - this is not the harbor, and channel length of a kilometer in width. It was dug into. To bring the water Oresund Strait to the New Royal Square.
In those days there were lit in the main red lights. Today, the area considered the most colorful. It is in this area are some of the best, cozy and small restaurants and cafes.
A national cuisine? This is primarily Danish sandwich smerrebred. It is made of rye bread French bread with a variety of meat, vegetables, fish ingredients: smoked eel, bacon and cheese. And if such a sandwich is not enough, then any decent coffee shop you will be offered roast beef with Remoulade sauce, grated horseradish and cucumber slices. Or three sorts of pickled herring with two kinds of bread, capers, onions and butter. Or is it better to order a culinary creation «Dyrl & gens natmad» ( «dinner veterinarian»), consisting of sliced rye bread, liver pate ham, onion rings and watercress salad with swaying on top of a drop of sauce, jelly. The Danes call it tenderly «cloud».
In every cafe and restaurant, you are sure to offer a few dozen beers. Speaking of beer.
All the same indefatigable Christian IV in Copenhagen, built the first brewery. This majestic building still stands on the channel on the opposite shore of the island Slotsholm exchanges. Appearance brewery Danes often compared to King's addiction to alcohol. Even in the guise of the exchange is viewed hint of royal preference for beer. If you look, the spire of the exchange is bound tails of four dragons. Sami kopengagtsy laughingly say they see in the steeple Wit tailspin.
more than 150 years ago established the country's largest brewing company «Carlsberg». It truly is the pride of the country. Particularly love the company has earned through his patronage activities. She gave the country an excellent art museum «Glipoteku», is sponsoring one of the best recreational parks - the famous «Tivoli», has been restored to its magnificent castle means Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerod - one of the most beautiful royal residences. Its creator - all the same indefatigable Christian IV. Today it is - National History Museum of Denmark, where a unique collection of sculpture and paintings, mosaic paintings.
It turns out that buying a pint of beer, you are making a contribution to the further development of the arts.
in 1843 on the site of fortifications built park Tivoli. Old Tivoli Gardens - one of the most beautiful places in Copenhagen. Carousel with wooden horses, a pond with swans, fireworks every day. Sam Andersen believed that the founder of Tivoli Georg Carstensen was a genius, and thanks to this man every Dane knows where the best place to relax.
not surprising that it is in Copenhagen, Walt Disney got the idea, which he undertook in 1955, creating a Disneyland in California. Thus appeared a brilliant continuation of the Tivoli fun.
in the capital is Kronborg Castle in Elsinore, where the life of the fictional Prince Hamlet. Elsinore - a small town with narrow streets and the port, which at one time could not overcome the duty-free, no ship passing by, and thanks to this 400 years - until the end of the nineteenth century. - Comfortably existed royal court, and many Danes.
course, the main relic of the town - Kronborg Castle. In the castle, where mostly dominated by red and black colors, you feel some kind of a tragic secret. It is terrible not only talk, but even breathe loudly. Although you know that the great Shakespeare, head and share many things in my life, but still ... when myself standing in the dark grim room, where intrigued and committed atrocities, covers the mystical fear.
And in the dark dungeons under the castle is a sculpture of a dozing Holger the Dane - a national hero in Denmark. According to legend, he wakes up ready to exploit, if over Denmark will risk. | 

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