Tuesday, August 25, 2009

China - tours, travel, tourism, china, resorts china, holidays, China, travel China, China Hotel description

State in East Asia, the territory of a third world country after Russia
and Canada, and the first in the world in terms of population. It has
borders with Mongolia and Russia in the north-east - by Russia and the
DPRK, in the south - with Vietnam, Burma (Myanmar), Laos, India, Bhutan
and Nepal to the west - with Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan to the
north - west by Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. On the east by the Yellow Sea
and East China Sea in the south - the South China Sea. China also owns
more than 3400 islands, the largest of which is the island of Hainan in
the South China Sea. Covers an area of approximately 9571300 km2. The
territory of China is very different and can be divided into six
geographic zones.

Northwest consists of two pools - Joon-garskogo in the north and the
south of the Tarim and Tien Shan. In the Tarim Basin is the most arid
desert of Asia-Taklimakan Shamo (Takla Makan). Dunes in this area rising
to 100 m. In the Tien Shan is Turfan Depression (Turpan-Pende).

Mongolian border region located in the north central China. This is
mainly a plateau, consisting of sandy and stony deserts, which in the east
moving to more fertile steppes. Region crosses to several low mountain

The Northeast is full of Manchuria Manchurian Valley and the
surrounding plateaus.

Northern China - the region between the Mongolian border and the
Yangtze River basin. Here is the Loess Plateau, rugged valleys, rivers and
roads. North China Valley, the most extensive plain of China, is located
just in this region. Shandong peninsula is a plateau of Shandong. In the
south-west region - Central mountains.

South China comprises the Yangtze River valley and southern areas of
the country. In western Sichuan basin is surrounded by central mountains.
To the east of the Tibetan plateau to the sea stretches hill. In Gudzhou
is a very beautiful region of the old mountains of sandstone. To the south
lies the River Hsiang River basin and the Pearl River (Pearl).

Tibetan Plateau is located in the extreme south-west China, the average
height - about 4510 meters above sea level. In the south is bordered by
the Himalayas, in the west - with the Pamir and Karakoram in the north
with the Kunlun. At Highlands has hosted many major rivers: the Indus,
Ganges, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Yangtze and Huang Ho (Yellow). The territory
of Tibet was occupied by China in 1951 and in 1953 was overthrown by the
theocratic regime of the Dalai Lama and installed a communist government.
The spiritual leader of Tibet - the Dalai Lama - in exile.

In general, Mountains cover about 43% of China's territory, plateaus
26%, various hilly pools - about 19%, and only 12% of the country can be
described as plain. The main rivers are the Yangtze, Yellow River and the
Hsiang flowing into the Pacific Ocean. China also owns part of the Amur
River that forms much of the north-eastern border with Russia. Yangtze
River - the longest river in Asia. Most lakes in China is in the valley of
the Yangtze River: the most important - and it Dongpinhu Pyanghu and Taihu
and Hongtsehu. On the Tibetan plateau, there are several fairly large salt
lakes, the largest of these is "Kin-gayhu. In Manchuria, and near the
Mongolian border lies a few lakes: Hulun-Nur, Bos-tenhu, Lop Nur,

Population China (estimated for 1998) amounts to
about 1,236,914,600 people, the average population density of about 129
people per km2. Most of the population lives in 19 eastern provinces.
Ethnic groups: Chinese - 92%, Mongols, Koreans, Manchus, Uighurs, Miao,
Tibetan, and about 50 other national minorities. Language: Chinese
(official), S, Wu-Hakka, Jiang, Gan, Min, other dialects of Chinese,
Uighur, Thai, Hmong, Kazakh. Religion: the population is officially
considered to be atheists, but many practice Confucianism, Taoism,
Buddhism. Capital - Beijing. Largest cities: Shanghai (7500000 people),
Beijing (5800000 people), Tianjin (4600000 people), Shenyang (4540000
people), Wuhan (3750000 people), Guangzhou (Canton) (3,580,000 people) of
the same in China, 40 cities with a population more than 1 million people.
The political system - the communist regime. Head of State - President
Jiang Zemin (in office from March 27, 1993).
Monetary unit is the yuan. Life expectancy (in 1998): 67 years - male,
70 years old - female. Total fertility rate (per 1000) - 15,7. The
mortality rate (per 1000) - 7,0.

According to legend, the Chinese people are from the valley of the
Yellow River (Yellow). Rice in East China has grown in 5500 BC, and the
remains of the first man found under Beijing, have ages of about 460
thousand years. The first civilization appeared around IV century BC One
of the dynasties of the Bronze Age, who ruled in northern China, existed
from 1500 to 1000 BC After that, in China there are several different
kingdoms and empires, the ruling dynasty, which lasted almost 3 thousand
years. Royal Dynasty expanded China's borders to the south and west and
developed the Chinese civilization and culture. Even the rule of the
Mongols (Yuan dynasty, 1271-1368) and Manchu (Qing Dynasty, 1644-1911)
could not change the specific culture of the country. The history of China
in those years a very rich (who wish to inspect it may apply to the
literature on the history). In the XIX century the country began to weaken
because of the numerous internal and external conflicts. Russia, United
and Japan were of great political and economic influence in the vast
territory of China. January 1, 1912, China became a republic. The most
serious military conflicts have arisen between China and Japan in
1894-1945, respectively. After the Second World War in China was a war
between the Kuomintang, representing the Government of China and the
Communists. The conflict was resolved and the proclamation of the
Communist victory on Sept. 21, 1949 the People's Republic. Gomindanskoe
government on Dec. 8, 1949 moved to the island of Taiwan. During the
decades of communist rule, China has experienced a "cultural revolution",
"great leap" and other innovations. In the mid 80-ies the Chinese
leadership has moved away from purely command and in the economy and the
beginning of reforms. However, in almost all policy remained unchanged,
demonstrating that the trials of political dissidents, the presence of a
large number of political prisoners. In addition, shooting demonstrations
at Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989
was vividly illustrated the commitment of the old political doctrines.
In July 1997, China was transferred to Hong Kong. China is a member of the

The climate of the country vary in different regions. In Southeast
China, the climate is subtropical, and in the extreme south of the country
- tropical. The average summer temperature is about 26 gr. C, average
winter - about 18 gr.S. Most of the precipitation falls from July to
November. In northern China, which has no natural barriers against the
cold winds from Siberia, winters are cold - 4 oz. In the south of the
region to -10 oz. In the north of Beijing. Average temperature in July is
about 26 gr. C. The climate of Manchuria is similar to the climate of
northern China, but a little colder: the average July temperature is about
22 gr. C, average January temperature - around -18 oz. C. In the Mongolian
border area climate is practically the same. Because of the high altitude
Tibet is an Arctic climate. The July temperature does not exceed 15 grams.
C. Given the diversity of climate and topography of China has a great
variety of different plant species. However, most wild plants have been
destroyed over the centuries of intensive
cultivation of land. The forests are preserved only in remote mountain
areas. South of the river valley Sitszyan are lush tropical forests, which
grow broad-leaved evergreen plants and palm trees. Subtropical plants grow
in the region north of the Yangtze River valley and west of the Tibetan
plateau. In this zone, especially a lot of oak, bamboo, pines, azaleas,
camellias, Japanese. Also, in some forests of the region in large numbers
grow magnolia and laurel. In the forests further north are growing mostly
deciduous trees: oak, maple, ash, birch, linden. Primary forests in China
are located in Manchuria, coniferous forests dominated by larch. Wildlife
in China survived one of the most rare animals. Among them: Chinese
veslonos in the Yangtze River, some types of alligator and salamander,
giant panda (found only islands south-west China) and Chinese water deer
(found only in China and Korea). In the south in the tropical forests
there is a large number
primates, including gibbons and macaques. In remote forest areas
preserved bear, tiger and leopard. In Tibet, the snow leopard lives in the
extreme south of the country - clouded leopard. Quite a lot of foxes,
wolves, raccoon dogs, tsivet. In the west there are antelope, gazelle, roe
deer, red deer. In the rivers a lot of fish, including salmon, trout,
sturgeon, Chinese river dolphin.

Cultural Center of China is Beijing. Among its many attractions - the
Forbidden City - the palace complex, which now houses the Museum,
mausoleum of Mao Tse tung, Chinese Revolution Museum, National Gallery, a
large number of temples - Temple Nebec (XV century) is one of the most
significant, in a park-Qiang Tan are the tombs of the emperors of the Ming
Dynasty, it leads to the famous avenue of animals, along which stand
marble lions, elephants, camels, horses within the city is part of the
Great Wall. In Shanghai, there is a museum of art and history from one of
the best collections of Chinese art, the Museum of Natural Sciences;
Mandarin Yu Garden, erected in the XVI century; Garden Purple Autumn
Clouds, set in the Ming Dynasty, the temple of jadeite Buddha. In
Guangzhou are located: one of the major zoos of the country; Guangzhou
Museum, mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat sen; Zhenhay pagoda, built during the
Ming Dynasty, the temple of the Six fig tree, the oldest mosque in China
Huayseng, planted in the year 627. In Lhasa, there are many Buddhist
monasteries and temples Patala Palace-residence of the Dalai Lama - built
in the XVII century. Not far from the city of Xi'an, in Shaanxi Province,
is the tomb of Emperor Qin Dynasty, who died in 210 BC In the tomb there
is a whole army of 6 thousands of soldiers and horses made of clay,
modeled in full size.

China,Asia and the Middle East
China,Asia and the Middle East
China,Asia and the Middle East
China,Asia and the Middle East
China,Asia and the Middle East
China,Asia and the Middle East
China,Asia and the Middle East
China,Asia and the Middle East

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