Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Italy - tours, recreation, tourism, Italy, resorts in Italy, holidays Italy, Travel Italy, Italy hotel description

geographical location. style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> Italy - a state in southern Central
Europe, located mainly on the Apennine peninsula and two large islands:
Sicily and Sardinia . Washed by the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, the
Mediterranean, Ionian and Adriatic seas.

Area. T he territory of Italy occupies 301 277 square kilometers. Strong>

climate. In northern Italy, the climate is Mediterranean, temperate, with
an average temperature of +30 ° C in summer and +12 ° C in winter. In the
south of Italy - the climate is subtropical with warm, dry summers and
warm winters, average summer temperature is + 40 ° C in winter + 12 ° C.
Precipitation mostly in winter (600-1000 mm per year, in the mountains in
some places more than 3000 mm).

population. On Kolo 60 million people, mostly Italians (97%). Others - various
national minorities: German-Tyroleans, Slovenians, French, Albanians,
Greeks. Urban population - 67%. In Italy the population is 2-nd place in
Europe (after Germany). Most of the urban population is concentrated in
Northern Italy.

language. Italian. In hotels, restaurants and tourist centers, as a rule,
can be explained in English or in French. German language understood in
the resort areas in the north of the Adriatic and on the lakes.

Religion. K atolichestvo. Although the Church in Italy is separated from the
state, it actively intervenes in the political life of the country and has
a great influence on the population.

holidays: 1 January (New Year), 6 January, Easter Monday (day after
Easter), Easter Sunday (this day Pope blesses the crowd gathered in the
square outside the Cathedral of St.. Peter. Easter is usually celebrated
with friends, and the next day regardless of weather (in the Easter Full
Moon usually go bad weather) arranged a big family picnic.) April 25
(Victory Day) , May 1 (Labor Day), 2 June (Republic Day, celebrated with a
military parade in Rome), August 15 (Assumption (Ferragosto)), 1 November
(All Saints' Day, Memorial Day and to honor their ancestors), Nov. 5, 8
December (Immaculate Conception), 25 (Christmas Day, the most favorite and
festive holiday, there is usually at home, in the family circle), Dec. 26
(St. Stephen's Day). In addition, each town and village celebrates the day
of his patron saint: Rome - Peter, Milan - Sant'Ambrogio, Turin --
John etc. In July and August, many companies stop their work and closed
on holidays. At Christmas and New Year, they also can not work. When
planning the trip and time of business negotiations, these features must
be taken into account.

Time. The time difference minus 1 o'clock

Currency. In Italy, the
official currency - euro. Advantageous to exchange money in the bank than
in a hotel and shops. Hours of banks is very short from 08.45 to 13.45 and
from 15.00 to 16.00.

Transportation. In Italy,
a well-developed network of intercity transport. For easy movement of
trains and buses. Especially good speed trains «
style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> Eurostar». Metro operates in Rome,
Milan, Naples, Turin. Tickets for trams and buses must be purchased in
advance at kiosks and newsstands (in salons bus tickets do not sell). One
ticket allows travel on all forms of public transport with changes in 90
minutes after you punch it. Take a taxi on the street is difficult. It is
better to go to a special parking area or cause a car by telephone from
the hotel, bar, shop.

In Italy, two types of
highways: public and private (paid).

speed private - 110 km /
h on public highways - 90 km / h on Human Settlements, the permissible
speed - 50 km / h.

Cuisine: Speaking of
Italian cuisine, not to mention the Mediterranean diet. She "discovered"
about 55 years ago, an American nutritionist, a university professor in
Minneapolis, landed with the Fifth Federal Army in Italy during the Second
World War. He noted that in southern Italy, elderly people get much less
than their American peers. These are typical diseases of modern society as
diabetes, sclerosis, stroke, obesity in Italy were not widespread. This
type of food he first called
style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> Italian style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> food, and then Mediterranean
diet . Around 100 million people in the world adheres to its rules.
This, in essence, not a diet, but rather a style of life, allowing the
Italian population has one of the places in the world for life expectancy.

Pizza, pasta, rice,
tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, red peppers, young mozzarella
cheese and a glass of light red wine - this is the Mediterranean diet . Of
course, here to add more fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as sea and
river fish. Do not forget the wine vinegar, especially on balsam vinegar,

In Italy reigns cult
spaghetti. It is no accident prudish Europeans call noisy Italians «wop».
The word «pasta» comes from the Greek «makeron», meaning «the holy
fathers». So in Ancient Hellas called flour foods served at the table. In
1295 the great Italian traveler Marco Polo visited China and brought to
his native Venice recipe eastern vermicelli.

Everywhere in Italy
offers dishes under the title «paste» - the so-called multiple dough. In
Rome, even has the world's only museum paste.

other customary Italian
dish - pizza. Pizza and Trattoria (snacks) mainly represent the family
institution and found in all tourist centers.

popular products from
seafood, meat dishes, and coffee and ice cream to the Italians no equal.
Also good Italian wines, known since ancient times.

Italian restaurants are
open for visitors from 12.30 to 15.00 and from 19.00 to 24.00. Required
reservation for an hour or two prior to arrival. Usually Italian
restaurants are no music or performances.

Siesta . Siesta in Italy - a national tradition. From 13 up to 15-16
hours of the day almost no one agency is not working. Museums are open in
summer from 09.00 till 13.00 and from 16.00 to 19.00, in winter they are
closed one hour earlier.

Smoking . From 1st January 2005 in Italy, came into force a new law on
smoking. The fine for smoking in the wrong places is 250 euros, and in
aggravating circumstances (such as smoking in the presence of a pregnant
woman or a child under 12 years) to 500 euros.

telephone calls. style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> Call conveniently from the street
payphones. To pay using coins or phone cards, which are sold in a tobacco
or magazine kiosk, a bar. Cell Phones GSM system works without problems.

Emergency Telephone Service in Italy style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">:

inquiries - 100 strong>

carabinieri (police) -

accidents - 113 strong>

Ambulance - 118 strong>

Fire Brigade - 115 strong>

Breakdown car - 116. strong>

Embassy of Ukraine in

: 00198 Roma - Via Guido
d'Arezzo, 9, Italia

.: +10-39
(06) 841-26-30, 841-33-45

: +10-39
(06) 854-75-39


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