Geography. Germany is located in the heart of Europe. In the landscape of the country distinguish four main areas: Severomorsk and the Baltic coast, Severogermanskaya lowland, Mid-mountain, alpine foothills of the Bavarian Alps. The highest mountain - the Zugspitze, elevation 2,964 m.
Square. Germany occupies about 357 010 square. km. population. The population is approximately 82 million people. climate. Average temperature: summer from +20 C to +30 C, the winter is around 0C. But in summer the temperature can rise to +35 C, and in winter drop to - 20C. Average rainfall: 50 - 80 mm. In the holiday season, tens of thousands of Germans rushing to the Baltic coast, where sea beaches you can swim and sunbathe. Domestically, many fine lakes with clear water and beautiful sandy beaches, often surrounded by forest.
Language. Official language German. A lot of Germans (especially in the west of the country) speak English. Often, especially in the former East Germany, the Germans can obyacnyatsya in Russian. Unlike other countries that were part of the socialist bloc, the East Germans after the collapse of the "not forgotten" the Russian language and will try to answer it. Germans are absolutely not complex when you're asking, in broken German. Therefore, going to Germany, not bad to learn about a dozen most essential expressions. time. The time difference minus 1 o'clock
Currency. In Germany from January 1, 2002 all accounts at banks and other financial institutions are automatically converted into euros at the following rates: 1 Euro = 1.95583 German marks. The smallest coin is now one cent, but most - coin of 2 euros. In the course of seven paper notes in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 Euro.
Transportation. The main types of public transport in Germany today are the bus, tram, metro and high-speed train. There was no significant difference between the operation of these types of transport in Germany and Ukraine does not, except for one important difference - the system of payment of travel.
Directions to Subway (Untergrungbahn), as well as travel to high-speed train from central cities to suburbs (Schnellbahn), payable only in advance from vending machines located at public bus stops, in underground passages between the railway platforms near the entrance to the underground station and high-speed electric trains. Bought a ticket to "break through" to punch, which is located nearby.
In the city bus (Bus) and trams (Strassenbahn) you can buy a ticket and a route (although it must be done prior to the first nearest stop) in the machine inside the cabin or put a stamp with the punch in the cabin is located on a previously purchased ticket for a ten ( Streifen) in a bus or tram.
In vending tickets there is a fairly large selection. You can purchase a ticket-tape of the 10 parts (for use on multiple trips), the ticket of 3 parts (on a long route) and a ticket from one part (the short route). Tickets are called data respectively 10 Streifen, 3 Streifen and Einzeln-Streifen. Here you can buy tickets for the entire day (regardless of the number of trips) and even for three days (again, regardless of the number of trips). These tickets are in turn divided for tickets for an adult (Singl-Karte), tickets for the child (Kind-Karte), tickets for the family (Partnerkarte). At most stops hanging maps routes with the notation of tariff zones, which is very important. Having found on the map, in which the tariff zone you are going to go, you need to punch the corresponding number of strips.
Incidentally, the penalty for ticketless travel, or underpaid in Germany is very expensive - 40 Euro. Therefore, it is better to think about what the travel document more profitable to buy, but in no case resist the temptation to ride for free - it will be much more expensive than any shuttle ticket, and in case of failure to pay fines will end a drive to the police.
At the railway transport has its own characteristics that make the trip more comfortable. After buying tickets for the Express (fast train) indicate number of the wagon, and then watch carefully for special shields on the platform, showing the sections (A, B, C, etc.). This will enable to know beforehand where to stop your car in advance and prepare for landing. Also very convenient is the fact that in many cities train ply directly from the central part of the city, which eliminates the need to search for stations or stations on the outskirts of the city. There has high-speed train quite often and very precisely, so this type of transport often preferred bus routes.
Cuisine: nearly all German supermarkets have a cozy cafes, usually on the upper floors. They are usually self-service, all dishes are displayed on the shelves and you can make a choice, not bothering to read the menu and explaining to the waiter. Such places can be recommended to tourists for dense and low-cost breakfasts and lunches. And without the tip. In such cafes Germans often go just to eat. There can also use the WC. In Germany, preparing delicious. It is worth to try the ribs on ribs, deep fried (Rippchen), balls (Klops) with potato salad, baked pork shank aysbayn (Eisbein) and, of course, the most popular fried sausage with sauce "curry" (Currywurst). The truly surprising dish - Hackepeter: raw ground beef with salt, pepper, egg and spices. Can be smeared on the bread. The main beer region of Germany - Bavaria. Beer here depends on the season. Beer in Bavaria drink on occasion, and without reason. And to him and roast pork with potato dumplings or Nuremberg fried sausages. And then drink it all grape wine with a fruity flavor with vineyards Mainsk Valley, in northern Bavaria. On the coast of the North and Baltic Seas, main dishes, of course, fish. Her fried, smoked, pickled in various ways, prepare delicious soups. In recent years, German cuisine is becoming increasingly international. Turkish doner kebab or pizza occur as often as the famous German fried sausages. But most of all fast food with Asian cuisine. Moreover, if the traditional sausage sauce to eat, usually at the table with ritual degree, kebab munching and at bus stops and subway, and just on the go. Prices in the cafe with a typically German or foreign cuisine are roughly the same in the past may be a little cheaper. But the German portion, usually more. At the huge plate, which in Russia would have gone for a tray of medium size, will bring much that is quite enough for a normal dinner for two.
January 1 - New Year
January 6 - Epiphany,
April - Easter
May 1 - Labor Day,
May 21 - Ascension
June 1 - Whit Monday,
June 11 - Feast of Corpus Christi,
August 15 - Assumption,
October 3 - Day of Unity,
October 31 - Transfiguration
November 1 - All Saints' Day,
November 18 - Day of Prayer and Repentance,
December 25-26 - Christmas
Embassy of Ukraine in Germany:
Official institutions of Ukraine in Germany include the Embassy of Ukraine, located in the capital of Germany, and consulates in other German cities. Because during the stay abroad you may experience a variety of situations requiring the participation of formal representative institutions of our country, be sure to remember (or better record) the coordinates of such institutions in Germany.
10117, Berlin Albrechtstrasse, 26
Tel. 030-28 88 70
Fax: 030-28 88 71 63
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8-30 to 13-30 and from 14-30 to 18-00.
Stationery Department: Tel. 030-28 88 72 20 Fax: 030-28 88 72 19
Consular Section of the Embassy of Ukraine in Bonn
53424, Remagen Rheinhohenweg, 101 Tel. 02888-9 41 80 Fax 02888-94 18 63
Consulate General of Ukraine in Frankfurt
60313, Frankfurt-am-Main Bronner Strasse, 15 Tel. 069-29 72 09 0 Fax 069-29 72 09 29
Consulate General of Ukraine in Hamburg
22087, Hamburg Mundsburger Damm, 1 Tel. 040-229 498 0 Fax: 040-229 498 13
Consulate General of Ukraine in Munich
80336, Munchen Lessing Strasse, 14 Tel. 089-55 27 370 Fax: 089-55 27 375 5

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