> Located in the south-western Europe, the Iberian peninsula (1 / 6 of its area) and on the islands of the Azores and Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean. On the west by the Atlantic Ocean. A land border only with Spain.
Portuguese population in ethnically homogeneous: 99,7% of the amount to the Portuguese, whose language belongs to the Romance group. Approximately 70% of the population lives in the western coastal areas and islands. In the interior, and some southern parts of the population density in 5 - 10 times less. Different historical fate of the north and south of the country, their natural and economic features have created some differences in the traditions of these regions. In typical rural settlements in the north-story buildings used for housing the top, bottom - under the business premises. In the south is dominated by the village street lay-out with one-story adobe buildings. In the decoration of houses characterized by the use of colorful blue and white tiles.
National clothes Portuguese diverse and rich palette of colors. The main features of the female folk costume - skirt, usually striped or checkered, with a rim along the bottom edge, apron, red, yellow, green or black, blouse, shoes without backs with wooden soles. Shawl - an integral part of women's clothing. There are several ways to wear: knotted under the chin or so to the end of the three came together at the crown, sometimes tuck the ends, and sometimes hanging on the back. Man's suit - shorts with leggings, vest, belt, hat sambreyru (south), knitted cap (north).
The food is dominated by seafood, especially sardines and cod. Omarov caught so many that the price they are available to every Portuguese. Delicacies are mullet, eel, oysters. Of the first courses may be noted two traditional - corn soup with honey and potatoes. The mountain is prepared cheeses.
Traditional crafts - manufacture of ceramic utensils, lace, weaving, woodcarving.
In Portugal, many holidays. Usually solemn days are organized magnificent procession, during which believers are statues of saints, organize masquerades, exhibitions, fireworks are lit, give presentation on biblical subjects. On the night of San Juan (Midsummer Day) everywhere, even in large cities, burning bonfires and dancing in the streets. In the town of Viseu, for example, are still respected tradition originating in the XVI century.: Cavalcade defiles along the streets of riders, dressed in white tunics, with a wreath of red carnations and green sticks in their hands.
In August, the country held celebrations to commemorate the historic victory over the Spanish troops, which led to the liberation of Portugal. In March, celebrated the holiday «torkato», which, along with the demonstration of livestock held horse races, and the dancers challenged the prize for the best performance of folk dances. Among the many folk dances most popular Vira. A common form of the Portuguese lyrics are kosanty, a feature which - repeat chorus after each couplet. The characteristic form of folk art - the lyrical quatrains, the main role in the creation and performance of which at all times, students have played.
There are seven universities. The largest of them are located in the cities of Lisbon, Coimbra, Oporto. Since the XVIII century. There Academy of Sciences. Nevertheless, Portugal occupies the last place in Europe in literacy. So far, one third of the population has no education, although in. introduced a law on compulsory education for children.
Lisbon - industrial, cultural and economic center of the country. He grew up during the Great Geographical Discoveries (XV - XVI centuries.), Becoming the commercial center of the vast colonial empire. The city is spread on the bank of the river estuary Tezhu, near the Atlantic Ocean. Most of it housed on seven hills. Picturesque amphitheater terraces surrounding the Lisbon, lush green gardens and parks make it one of the most beautiful in Europe. The oldest of the three parts of Lisbon - Eastern city is a web of narrow streets. It is from here, where there were more Roman building, and then an Arab fortress, begins the story of the capital. Here were the first residence of Portuguese kings. On the southern slope of the hill is the oldest church in Lisbon - Ponds, made from a mosque. To the East of the city attractions also include the Church of Our Lady (Madre de Deus) early XVI century., Palace Mitra XVII century. Which houses the Museum of the city, Vicente de Fora church of the XVI century.
Porto - the only major city north of the country, the second largest town of Portugal. This former capital of the state, which gave him his name. The town was founded in the VI. BC It distinguished the Old Town and New. The old city rises on a terraced hillside, facing the River. Narrow streets with low buildings connected by steep streets, staircases. New city with a clear layout and a more comfortable, stretched out on the plateau in the ocean. To the south of Porto, on the high bank of the river Mondego, resting in the quiet evergreen laurel Coimbra - Old university town. University moved here in the XVI century. from Lisbon, where he was based in. Among the architectural monuments stand in the Old Cathedral XII., New Cathedral XVI century. and monastery Site Cruz.
third largest industrial center and port of the country - the city of Setubal. In the past, the source of its economic prosperity were vast salt pans, whose development began in the Roman era. Earthquake. Setubal was almost completely destroyed and then rebuilt.
Together with the entire Iberian Peninsula country belongs to the Mediterranean region. However, its Mediterranean climate is experiencing strong influence of the Atlantic. Cooling effect on him in the cold Canary Current. By topography varies northern and southern parts of the territory. To the north of the River Tagus, there are mountains that are a continuation of Spanish meseta. South territory occupied by the Portuguese lowlands.
framework of the Portuguese ethnic group were Lusitanian - one of the ancient Iberian tribes. In the I millennium BC. e. country's territory was affected by the Celtic relocation. The entry of Portugal into the Roman Empire (II century. BC. E. - V in. N. E.) Caused a cultural and linguistic Romanization. Significant impact on the local population has the Arab-Berber rule. In the XII century. Portuguese formed an independent state. In the XV century. began colonial conquests of Portugal outside Europe. Spanish rule in the XVI - XVII centuries., Economic and political dependence on Britain slowed national unity. In. monarchy was overthrown and Portugal proclaimed a republic. In April. revolution took place, ended the decolonization of the Portuguese possessions in Africa.
vast majority of believers - Catholics. The commitment of the Roman Catholic Church recognized by the first Portuguese king in the XII century. Christianity spread throughout the Iberian peninsula since the Roman conquest. Until now, a place of pilgrimage is the city of Braga, which was erected the first Catholic cathedral in Portugal.
in the subtropical zone of the Atlantic, at the most important ways of linking Europe with America, Africa and Asia, Azores lie (area - 2,3 thousand km2) and Madeira (area - 800 km2). Soft, warm maritime climate, the lack of dry season favor the spread of evergreen vegetation. The Azores islands are covered with evergreen forests. At Madeira, the climate is drier, so there is dominated by subtropical savanna. The sea, beaches, warm climate of the islands attract many tourists. The main city and an important transit port of the Azores, Ponta Delgada is located on the southern coast of the island of San Miguel, on the shore of an artificial harbor. Center of Madeira - Funchal's port is located on the shores of sheltered bays. This is a year-round seaside resort.
head of state is the president. Legislative power belongs to the Assembly of the Republic (unicameral parliament). Influential political parties: the Portuguese Socialist, Social Democratic coalition «Democratic unity». The current constitution adopted. Then it was adjusted several times. | 

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