The country is also known as Holland . In the meaning of these names are pretty close: the first of which is translated as «low-lying country situated below sea level», the second - «hollow earth, having no solid foundation». In this and other place names reflect specific natural features.
Borders Netherlands with Belgium and Germany are on the plains. Maritime boundaries set by the shelf of the North Sea. This shallow pool is divided between Britain, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, France and the Netherlands, which owns a large area in the south and south-west shelf.
Most of the population - the Dutch. The language in which they say belongs to a subgroup of the West Indo-European language family. Southern provinces inhabited by the Flemish. Culture and language of these peoples are very close, but there are some differences. In particular, in the Flemish language is somewhat different vocabulary (lack of Frisian words, the French borrowing). Flemish people - Catholics, the Dutch - Protestants. In the north of the Netherlands lives a small group of friezes, which carefully protects its particular culture and language (similar to English).
Netherlands, where many of the city arose in the Middle Ages, - a country of ancient urban culture. Nevertheless, even in the XIX century. majority of the population lived in rural areas. Now the old types of buildings, where residential and business premises under the same high tiled roof can be seen only in the ethnographic museum. The interior still retains many traditional features: the bed in the wall niches, fireplace, ceramic plates on the walls.
Popular clothing gradually goes out of use. Now middle-aged Dutch costume consists of a skirt and blouse of dark tones in the shoulders, throws her handkerchief on his head wear cap. As an element of festive costume Friesian women still use the famous metal ornaments that are hung from the headdress on the forehead to the temples. In rural areas still wear wooden shoes - Klomp. This is most common in Holland souvenir.
Traditional food - a mixture of potatoes and vegetables, a thick pea soup. A very popular fish dishes. It is believed that the method of salting herring was first used by the Dutch in the XV century.
For the Netherlands, which has long been engaged in floriculture, a typical summer festival of colors. On this day all houses, fences, cars decorated with bouquets and garlands of flowers. In the streets of the process moving with flowers made of animal figures and heroes of folk tales.
Every year there - the third Tuesday in September - the opening day of the States-General (Parliament). This ritual is taking shape over the centuries and is an unusually colorful spectacle. Kermes, celebrations in honor of the saint - the patron of the local church, accompanied by fairs, folk festivals, processions of maskers. A lot of fairs, auctions arranged in the autumn, after agricul-hozrabot. In particular, the famous cheese fair in Alkmaar (North Holland), there are several hundred years. The traditional feast - a meeting of fishermen returning with the first catch of herring. Widely observed holy days (Martin - November 11, and Nicholas - December 6). Both holidays include the preparation of ritual food, noisy processions with ritual fires.
In folklore favorite hero is Till Eulenspiegel, and he dedicated a cycle of legends. Distributed tales and legends about the adventures of Reynard the Fox, There is a lot of fairy tales.
In the Netherlands introduced the eight-year free education. The first stage - a six-year elementary school, the second - a gymnasium and a real school. Higher education gives 6 universities and 15 different universities. The subject of legitimate pride of the Dutch is the fact that it is in their country in the early XVII century. began to appear first in Europe newspaper.
Amsterdam - one of the most interesting cities in Europe. He is often called the Venice of the North. Here, 500 bridges and 50 canals. In Amsterdam, there are enterprises of almost all industries of the country. The Amsterdam port, a channel associated with the North Sea, serves mostly domestic needs, in contrast to Rotterdam, performing the transit function.
The town was founded as a fishing village. The first mention of it belongs to the thirteenth century. Old quarters, along the green embankment, striking a harmonious combination of different styles and eras, creating a unique overall look of the city. It houses and warehouses with narrow facades, patriciate homes, hospitals, orphanages, building guilds and trade companies XVI - XVIII centuries. At Dam Square is the Royal Palace. There is a political and historic museums, Rembrandt House, etc.
Another major Dutch city of The Hague, from the XVI century. is the residence of the States General. Many international organizations have chosen The Hague as their place of residence. For example, here is the International Court.
The city was founded in XI century. Center to this day has kept a medieval look. On the lake are Вейвер old parliament building of red brick and gray stone with high towers at the corners. Parliament together with the Tribunal (XIII cent.) And the adjacent houses of the palace complex Binnenhof. In the famous Gothic Knights' Hall (XIII cent.) Place solemn opening of the General staff. Nearby stands the palace Mauritshuis (XVII century.), Where an exhibition of paintings.
Rotterdam - the most important trade and industrial center of the country, the largest port in the world. Located on both banks of the Rhine. The deep channel port is connected to the North Sea. The situation in landlocked contributed not only to economic growth of the city, but turning it into a giant international transport hub, a few dozen kilometers surrounded by a network of satellite towns. In Rotterdam are about 2 / 3 of total export and import of the country, as well as 3 / 4 of all traffic on the Rhine.
Here are the Academy of Arts, Conservatory, named after Erasmus University, the largest library, the Museum of Ethnology, History Museum, Maritime Museum, the Art Museum.
The old administrative, commercial and cultural center in the north-east of the Netherlands - Groningen. New companies significantly changed the profile of industry of the city, the main branch of which has long been processing agricultural raw materials. The most famous radiozavod Concern «Phillips» with numerous subsidiary companies. In Groningen is one of the oldest universities in the country, founded in the early XVII century.
Large industrial, commercial and cultural center in the southern part of the Netherlands - Maastricht. In this ancient city are concentrated engineering, cement and chemical industries. There is a university. In Maastricht, annually organizes the traditional holiday of spring meetings - Children's Carnival. The city is also known that here in 1992 was awarded the so-called Maastricht Treaty on European Union.
The Netherlands are located in the west of Central European Plain, at the confluence of the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt in the North Sea. The abundance of rivers, lakes and canals - the hallmark of this area. Medieval travelers have reported that there can not tell where the sea ends and land begins. Netherlands - a country of lowlands, 2 / 5 of its territory is below sea level. To the east and south-east of the surface gradually increases. Summer in the Netherlands quite cool, but the winter is mild. Snowfalls are extremely rare, even in winter precipitation falls as rain.
BC, the territory of the current Netherlands settled Celts, then the Germanic tribes, among which the most numerous were friezes. Notable landmark in the history of the Netherlands left the Roman conquest and the subsequent stay in the Frankish Kingdom and Spain. As a result of the revolution in the XVI. in the Netherlands, liberated from Spanish rule, was formed Republic of United Provinces. The final recognition of independence was followed in 1648, after signing the Peace of Westphalia. In the XVII century. Netherlands - one of the leading European powers with a developed trade and shipping - have started a broad colonial conquests. The collapse of the empire took place after the Second World War.
Protestants are in the Netherlands 34% of the population, Roman Catholics - 40%. Among Protestants have the greatest influence of Reformed Churches (Netherlands Reformed Church, Reformed Church in the Netherlands, the Christian Reformed Church in the Netherlands and others).
Netherlands - a constitutional monarchy. Officially the head of state is the king. It exercises legislative power together with the states - by parliament, consisting of two chambers. The first chamber is elected by provincial states (local governments), the second - through direct elections with universal suffrage. The leading parties - the Labor Party, the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, Democrats-66, etc. Administratively, the Netherlands consist of 11 historical provinces.
The Netherlands has ownership in America. It Antilles and Aruba. The first of these consists of five islands in the Caribbean Sea: Bonaire, Curacao, Ca-ba, St. Eustatius and part of the island of St. Maarten. According to the Statute of the Kingdom of the Netherlands from December 1954 Antilles are part of it and enjoy autonomy in internal affairs. Aruba - the same island in the Caribbean Sea. In 1986 he left the federation Antilles and has received the status of the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands with an internal self-government. In both colonies, the queen before the governors. |
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