Seychelles archipelago (the surviving part of the vanished continent of Lemuria) is 950 km to the north of Madagascar. In the Seychelles group of 115 granite and coral islands, which occupy a total of 455 The largest islands - Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. Each island in its own beautiful and unique.
Seychelles are the world's only oceanic granite islands. They are located between the 4 th and 10 th degrees south of the equator and 9 km from the East African coast. However, coral islands, they form the Seychelles archipelago: the striking beauty of islands, scattered gems on oceans in 1,5 million square kilometers. km and, as Noah's Ark of the depository and the amazing variety of forms of wildlife, which are the pride of local residents and priceless natural heritage. Open the famous Vasco da Gama in 1501, they in turn is owned by the French, the British. Neglected for centuries, Seychelles remained uninhabited until the late 18 th century, when French settlers, finally made these islands their home. From the initial handful of the population of the islands has grown to 3 500 people at the time of the seizure of the Seychelles Britain in 1814, which remained a British colony until independence in 1976, the population of the Seychelles a unique blend of different races, successfully combining ethnic diversity, creating a colorful and harmonious Creole nation, whose lingua franca of Creole, but English and French are also official languages. Today the Republic of Seychelles is a multiparty political system, where the head of state and government is the president.
For a long time the islands were a refuge for pirates (and still the ocean surf on the shore half obliterated gold and silver coins), but travelers come here for the treasures of another kind. They say that these beaches, such underwater and fauna not found anywhere else on the planet. You will not find any wild beast, and no poisonous insects, but there are unique animals and birds. Almost half of all the islands is a protected area and protected by the state. 75 species of plants growing in the Seychelles, anywhere in the world do not occur. You will find here unique animals and birds: on the island about. Curieuses live giant sea turtles, reaching lengths 1,5 m and weights half a ton, flying foxes, blue pigeon, mascot black parrot.
The Seychelles there is no industry and little agriculture. Local authorities are very kind to the fairy tale world, a gift of nature. Even hotels on the islands are inscribed in the landscape and almost never above the surrounding palm trees. It is prohibited to build new hotels and expand the travel business, not to increase the number of tourists. Tourists visited the island back here again and again. | 

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