Portoroz - the pearl of the Slovenian Adriatic Coast , the largest resort and tourist center, with more than 100 years of experience in hospitality.
Portoroz, resort, health resort known for its healing mud. Even in the XIII century by Benedictine monks from the monastery of St. Lawrence were treated here rheumatism. And in 1994 in Portoroz were discovered hot springs of mineral water of exceptional quality. In 1996 as the medical-health complex business hotel "Palace Hotel". Hot mineral water comes from 75-meter hole. At the bottom of the well water temperature is 23 degrees Celsius. One liter of water contains 9 grams of mineral substances. Sources have no equal in this part of Europe, as well as non-sulfur containing sodium chloride and other components of marine origin, so combine curative properties of continental mineral water and seawater.
Located in Portorozhskom Bay, at a distance of 128 km from Ljubljana, 8 km - from Isola and 15 km - from Koper.
The title "Postojna" story about hiding port, roses, sea, salt-works, and even a warm winter, a pleasant Mediterranean climate. Its history goes to the old age of 13.
Currently, Portoroz cozy resort town with a developed infrastructure, which tourists love to visit at any time of year. Pleasant climate (early spring and sunny, warm but not hot summers) hills that protect the city from the north and east winds, the sea air, beaches, indoor swimming pool with thermal and sea water, tennis courts, numerous restaurants offering dishes of Mediterranean and European cuisine, casinos, discos, night clubs - all this creates the perfect conditions for recreation.
Near the city of Portoroz are interesting places to visit: medieval town of Piran (4 km), exhibition of sculpture Form-Wiwa, solerazrabotki (2 km), a famous cave Postojna Jama (70 kilometers), Lipica stud farm, where grew a special breed of horses for the royal court in Vienna (50 km). Two hundred miles from Portoroz is Venice, where organized bus tour or a trip on the catamaran. Also organized sea trips by boat along the coast of the Adriatic. Resting in Portoroz, you can practice different sports. | 

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