Sharm El Sheikh is situated on the Sinai peninsula, which connects Africa and Asia. STRONG> Peninsula wedge cut into the Red Sea and bordered on the west Suez Canal, from the east - the Gulf of Aqaba. This is one of the most fascinating regions of Egypt. The northern part of Sinai is a desert plateau, mountains in the south formed by crystalline rocks, painted in blue, green and red colors. Sharm el Sheikh in translation means "Sheikh Gulf. He is considered one of the most prestigious resorts in the world. His beauty - Features: emerald green lawns, palm trees, weighed down by hanging dates, spacious beaches, turquoise sea and blue lake basins - all this is a kind of contrast and at the same time in perfect harmony with multi-colored canyons, fantastic rocks and sand zolotitym. P> Sharm El Sheikh - is perhaps the most westernized resort of Egypt. If only because that initially there was no settlement and the resort came to a deserted beach. It consists of the tourist zone, stretching for 35 kilometers. International resort was in the late 80-ies of XX century. In Sharm el Sheikh is home to about 20 thousand people, mostly employed in the tourism and hotel sector. The concept of Sharm el Sheikh as a resort can be expressed in two words - "a prestigious and expensive». Bay Naama Bay - the main tourist center and at the same time of night life center of the resort. This is the oldest and well-organized part of the Sharm el Sheikh, continuous chain of hotels in two three lines. All along the pedestrian street, the beach stretches 3 km long - the mall - with cozy restaurants and discos. In the future, in addition to Naama Bay hotels were built in other places: Sharm El Maya, Shark Bay, Nabq Bay. Currently in Sharm el-Sheikh about 70 hotels with a total seating capacity of more than 15 thousand Sharm El Sheikh - year-round resort. Red Sea always warm even in the winter months water temperature never drops below +20-21 0 C. In winter tourists encouraged to bring warm clothes for the evening, because after sunset and at night the temperature can drop to +13 0 C, the same day - perfect weather for swimming and sunbathing. Summer the air is warming up to +35-39 0 C, but the heat is fairly easy because of the dry climate. Most convenient for bathing beaches - Bay Naama Bay: sand, with a convenient entrance to the sea, and small coral reefs do not create problems for navigation. Beaches in new areas of Sharm el Sheikh (Hadaba, Shark Bay, Sharm el Maya, Nabq) is not correct to call with sand and coral. There is a conservation area and hotels is prohibited to clean the bottom of the coral. Almost all the beaches in these areas, corals begin almost from the water's edge. Sharm El Sheikh - one of the best places in the world for scuba diving. The crystal clear water sea and fantastic world of underwater reefs provide ideal conditions for diving. Many resort hotels can be directly from the shore dive with an aqualung. There are many other attractions: tennis courts and jacuzzi, exercise rooms and mini-golf clubs, horse racing and windsurfing, parachutes, jet skis and much more. Bowling Center located in the new shopping center, located at the end of Naama Bay. Sharm El Sheikh has to offer holidaymakers and quiet rest on the sea, and nightlife, and interesting excursions. The most inexpensive shops and restaurants are concentrated in the center of Sharm El Sheikh, the most expensive - in the Gulf of Naama Bay. There is a casino ROYAL, popular discos BUS STOP, HARD ROCK CAFE, BLACK HOUSE. Cheap, but with good food, restaurants: seafood - SINAI STAR, a restaurant with Egyptian cuisine - ONIONS. Among the more expensive and prestigious - fish restaurant SAMAKMAK, an Italian restaurant, MAMMA MIA, Thai restaurant in the hotel SHARM HOLIDAY, oriental restaurant in the hotel TAMTAM GHAZALA. Fast food restaurants - McDONALD 'S, KFC, PIZZA HUT. There is a children's amusement park FUN TOWN. Aqua Park in Sharm El Sheikh, no, but the hotel has a water slide. Every day of the Sharm el Sheikh sent a few flights to Cairo three times a week in Luxor. class=clsTableTemp cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
Month | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | Day, t o C | 22 | 23 | 24 | 27 | 30 | 32 | 33 | 33 | 31 | 29 | 26 | 23 | night, t o C | 12 | 12 | 14 | 17 | 21 | 24 | 24 | 25 | 23 | 20 | 16 | 13 | water, t o C | 21 | 21 | 21 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 26 | 24 | 22 | 

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