Samana Peninsula, which extends the length of 60 km, a width of 20 kilometers, washed by the Atlantic Ocean, is a unique place.
Here you will find the natural caves and waterfalls with crystal-clear water, the largest of which - the majestic Lemon, to elastic jets which will take you, make a fascinating horse riding.
Samana Peninsula is located in 3,5 hours drive from Puerto Plata and in 4,5 hours drive from Santo Domingo.
From January to March in the bay of Samana humpback whales swim to calving, and tourists from all over the world come here to watch these noble animals.
Beautiful nature and the hotel's well-developed infrastructure of the peninsula will make your business trip or corporate stay unforgettable.
The area itself - is the most mysterious and wonderful place in the Dominican Republic. City of Santa Barbara de Samana was founded in the 18 th century on the orders of the Spanish king Fernanda VI to strengthen the position of Spain in the region, as far from the Haitian island of Tortuga flourished, which was then under the jurisdiction of France. And also to protect the Gulf from attack by pirates, who wanted to win this delightful region, sprinkled with palm trees.
In the city of Santa Barbara de Samana Sanchez better to go through, hence leading to the city is very beautiful road, which is winding down the hillside through coconut forests and has zavorozhivayuschie types of terrain and the bay. In Santa Barbara in February, the carnival is held annually. The carnival procession was called the dance "Ambuhl, which is attended only by men dressed in colorful masks. From east to west, crosses the peninsula of the Cordillera mountain range, the highest point of which reaches 604 meters. Ridge is a natural boundary between the protected zone of Samana and the rest of the island.
Attractions: This treasure of the Caribbean paradise island Cayo Levantado (Cayo Levantado), where you can swim, diving or snorkeling. In these quiet waters off the island since mid-January to mid-March are collected for breeding humpback whales. Also here live sea turtles, lots of variety of birds.
Samana is located next to the National Park Los Haitices (Los Haitises).
The bay itself - a tropical paradise with lush vegetation, located on the north-east of the Dominican Republic, in 1492 became the site of the first battle between Christopher Columbus and the Indians - the first battles between Indians and Europeans in the New World. The bay is small islets. The width of the bay up to 11 kilometers, and the length of the bay stretching as much as 54 kilometers.
Sanchez small town located between a wooded mountain and the bay of the peninsula (at the time was a busy port), he drew ancient houses built in Victorian style.
A new well-equipped golf course in Las Terrenas
In jeeps and quads along the peninsula.
There are several routes by cocoa and coffee
Numerous bars and restaurants revive the warm evenings in Las Terrenas and Samana, inviting you to plunge into an atmosphere of celebration to the fiery rhythms of merengue.
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