Thursday, September 24, 2009


How much has been written and not told
about the holy city of peace, the eternal and reunited again, the
construction of which began millennia ago. The ancient walls of his
breathing history, and every stone testifies to the remarkable history of
the city, which is visited by pilgrims for millennia.

Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, the
only city in the world that has more than seventy titles that express love
and desire for him, the city depicted on ancient maps in the center of the
world and holds its special place in the hearts of people. Jerusalem - a
city overflowing emotions of giving religious and spiritual experience,
joy and pleasure, offering interesting tours and entertaining adventures.
Along with the most important historical and archaeological sites,
connoisseurs of culture, art, theater, music, architecture and fine
cuisine can be found in Jerusalem a lot of interesting, surprising and
exists only here.

In the heart of Jerusalem is the Old
Town, surrounded by a wall and divided into four quarters - Jewish,
Armenian, Christian and Muslim. In the surrounding walls are the most
important shrines of the three major religions: the Western Wall - Jewish
shrine, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Dome of the Rock on the
Temple Mount. Area at the Western Wall is not opustevaet never - thousands
of believers come here, bringing in the heart of prayer, the very area is
divided into male and half female. Tourists should take care of the closed
clothing, while respecting the religious rules. Here, at the foot of a
giant wall, preserved by the Holy Church, say prayers and lay down in the
cracks between the huge stones of the note of the requests to God. FONT>

around the Wailing Wall and others are
important for Jews the Western Wall Tunnels unique Davidson Center, the
Jewish Quarter with its famous street, the Cardo and the Tower of David,
proudly towering over the walls in all its glory. The south of the Old
City of David Castle is located from which rose ancient Canaan and
Israel's Jerusalem. It is a wonderful place rich of famous historic sites,
which makes an indelible impression on visitors.

For Christians, Jerusalem is a very
special significance - it is here unfolded the most dramatic phase of the
life of Christ, here he lived, performed miracles, was crucified and
resurrected. In one Christian quarter is only about 40 places of worship
(churches, monasteries and inns for pilgrims). One of the most famous
objects of the Christian quarter is the Via Dolorosa - "Via Dolorosa",
which, according to Christian tradition, Jesus walked to Calvary from the
tribunal. Many pilgrims come to Jerusalem to follow in the footsteps of
Jesus along the route, which begins at the Lion Gate in the Muslim
Quarter, passes through 14 points, and ends at the Temple of the Holy
Sepulcher. In this temple are the most important Christian values,
including the anointing stone (on which was entrusted with Christ's body
before burial), and much more. Holy Sepulcher - a place of pilgrimage for
millions of faithful Christians from all over the world.

also holy places in the Old City there
are some great, worthy of attention, over. There is a great market - a
real feast for the soul, where you can purchase pottery in the Armenian
style, beautiful necklaces, original costumes, embroidered cushions,
colorful wool carpets, candles and wonderful glassware, as well as
numerous gifts for every taste. On the walls of the Old Town road runs the
mall, with a view of the Old and New city. Tours along the walls are a
great evening pastime, during which you can admire the shining lights of
the city. Armenian quarter distinguished by its unique attractiveness, and
it is also worth visiting.

How Jerusalem became a center of
religion and spirituality and became a place of pilgrimage for millions of
tourists from all over the world? In the history of Jerusalem there were
many wars over ownership of the city. Its strategic location attracted
invaders from different countries, and some even drove them to different
periods of time. This city remembers the war and peace, love and hate,
wealth and poverty, destruction and restoration, joy and pain of his
people, now here come from all over the world with hope and faith. FONT>

Since the founding of Jerusalem has
always remained a great, unique, a city which has no equal in the world.

Israel,Asia and the Middle East
Israel,Asia and the Middle East
Israel,Asia and the Middle East
Israel,Asia and the Middle East
Israel,Asia and the Middle East
Israel,Asia and the Middle East
Israel,Asia and the Middle East
Israel,Asia and the Middle East

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