Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Festivals and holidays


Dominican Carnival, which held annually in the month of
, a tradition with folk roots, coming from the depths
of centuries.

Typically, a carnival costume consists of jumpsuit with a hood, mask or
half mask and stuffed rag bag and decorated with sequins and colored
beads, and sometimes with mirrors and bells. There is lots of variations
depending on the region of the country.

In the central province of Montecristi carnival characters are bulls,
which are in constant struggle with people.

Carnaval in San Pedro de Mokoris characterized by the presence Guloyas
- masked in causing the bright costumes, decorated with small mirrors and
mantles of yellow or red.

In Santiago carnival originally had social status. This is reflected in
the fact that the richest part of the population celebrates carnival in
private clubs, and less wealthy - on the streets, particularly in the
areas of La Jolla and Los Pepinos.

As a result, traditional characters are the Los Lechones and Los
Pepinos respectively, which compete with each other.

In the province of La Vega, the central character is the Devil Kohuelo.
Here the participants dress up in costumes, supplemented by complex and
colorful masks and rag bags, attached to the rather short ropes, often
decorated with cow's teeth, and this goat's fur.

In the province Cabral very strong influence of African culture and
carnival is here called Cimarron or wild Carnival. This Carnival reaches
its climax on Monday, following the Semana Santa (Holy Week).

Merengue Festival

Dominican folklore formed and lives due to the ability of artisans,
music, coloring tropical countries and the nature of its people.

The main expression of nature is a Dominican merengue - the most
traditional folk rhythm that was created over generations and have
experienced considerable musical evolution.

Cibao Merengue, the central region of the country, dominates all the
rest of his variations and is the version which is known all over the
world, because in 1855, when the dance originated, Cibao was the most
important economic region in the Dominican Republic, and the city of
Santiago de los Caballeros -- main city of the country in that era.

Dominican merengue penetrated the rich saloons mid 19 th century, where
he met strong resistance from the intellectual elite, as the dance
symbolized the Afro-Caribbean culture, which did not take the higher
social strata.

When this is tropical rhythm with the frank and sensuous movements of
her hips started to come into vogue in the press Santo Domingo unfolded a
vast campaign against him in defense of drawers, the main dance of the
country at this moment.

Merengue is the national symbol during the period of occupation by U.S.
troops from 1916 to 1924, but the true peak of popularity, this dance has
reached during the reign of dictator Rafael Trujillo (1930-1961), when the
best teams performed outreach to the rhythm of merengue song.

After the death of Trujillo style of merengue has changed considerably,
moving from slow and gentle rhythm to more frenetic, which appeared sexual
overtones, and in carrying out their use of energetic tambourine and

The new version reflects the political optimism and new ideas that
emerged in the country, spent the last 30 years under the pressure of the
dictatorship. Musicians Johnny Ventura and Wilfrido Vargas introduced new
trends in traditional merengue in the 60-70-s, and a decade later by Juan
Luis Hera created a "double-merengue": music that they dance and ponder at
the same time.

Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic each year in the
month of July
organizes Merengue Festival ,
a holiday, which attracts a huge number of spectators. Within 4 days on
the seafront of Santo Domingo, held free concerts, which bring together
the best performers and groups of the country, as well as in houses
exhibitions of traditional sweets, products of artisans and artists. There
was also a traditional contest "Bartender of the Year", whose members are
preparing delicious cocktails.

In the month of November is usually conducted Merengue Festival in
Puerto Plata, turning the Amber Coast in a great stage on which all dance,
organized by shipping and road contests, handicraft exhibitions are held
and gastronomic festivals.

Jazz Festival in the Dominican Republic

North coast of the country every year in the month of October Takes
Jazz Festival, an event that brings together such great artists like
Nestor Torres, Steve Khan, Chuck Mandzhone, Poncho Sanchez and Bobby

In the annual festival program also includes various activities such as
art exhibitions, festivals of traditional Dominican cuisine, handicraft
exhibitions, golf tournaments and baseball competitions involving

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